Friday, December 31, 2010

Goals for 2011

So I've come up with a short list of goals for 2011 and I figure if I put them out there I'll be more accountable.  :)  I'd love to hear some of your goals for the New Year!

1.  To read through my Bible this year.  I've never actually read the ENTIRE Bible cover to cover.  So I am going to attempt that in 2011.
2.  To train for and finish a half marathon.
3.  To really get my skin care business off the ground:  I'd like to start doing monthly trade shows and getting my product "out there".
4.  To get serious about my working out/running.  I was doing so good for awhile and I need to get back on track with that.  I felt so much better when I was excercising nearly everyday.
5.  To be better at disconnecting from the internet, cell phone, tv etc., and deliberately spending more quality time with the kids and family.
6.  To buy a home - this is one of the scariest for me.  We move around a LOT and there is just something so final about buying a house.  But we are starting to feel like maybe this is the year... we shall see.  :)

Sorry if you were looking for this massive list of goalsI'm sure there are other things that will get added to my list.  I'm going to make a copy of the list and put it somewhere where I will see it everyday.

Check back soon! I have another great all natural home remedy for illness that I want to share with you.

Have a great time ringing in the new year! Here's to a fantastic 2011!

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