See inspiration from Pinterest here and post #1 here
So this is really a pretty basic headboard. I loved the idea of using a pallet or two, but then I read an article somewhere about how pallets are chemically treated and if they are outside they get bugs and bird poop etc. So after that totally grossed me out I decided just to go to Lowes and get some (4) 1x8's. I totally forgot what kind of wood it is - but it was a light wood with alot of knots and markings in it.
We got them home, cut them all to 81" (we have a king size bed) and I wanted them to overlap each side of the bed by about 2 inches. I actually need to get one more to put at the very bottom, it doesn't hang behind the bed far enough for my liking.
So after we cut them, I sanded the edges down so they were just slightly rounded and smooth. Stained them with 3 coats of Minwax Dark Walnut stain - wiping off the excess with a rag each time. Let them dry overnight.
Then we just screwed them straight into the wall one on top of the other. This is probably not the best way to do this, but I'm pretty sure we found the wall studs, and I'm all about fast and easy. I didn't want to take the time to mount them on plywood or any kind of frame. They are pretty sturdy and I don't think I have to worry about them falling out of the wall in the middle of the night.
I love love love the wall behind our bed so far... I have one more thing planned for this wall and then this part of the bedroom makeover will be done and I can get to the fun stuff - spray painting our furniture. :)
Would love to hear ya'll's thoughts on my homemade headboard.
Once again, please excuse the yucky picture quality. I only had my cell phone camera at the time...

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