I do notice a difference when I use this compared to a store bought brand. The clothes just seem a little brighter and fresher... or maybe it's my imagination. Either way it's cheaper than store bought, so it works for me!
I've posted this before, but I wanted to post again - I'm about to make up another batch
2 bars of grated ivory soap, or you could use 1 big zote bar - can be found in laundry section of grocery
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda - NOT baking soda, they are slightly different products - also found in laundry section
powedered oxyclean (this step is totally optional) I personally don't use it. I feel like it works pretty good, but you may want an extra boost.Blend everything up in a food processor until it looks like powdered laundry soap, store in a covered container. For large loads use 2 TBS, for small loads use 1 TBS. Doesn't sound like alot, I know but trust me your laundry will be clean. This will not suds and bubble, that's normal - and better for your skin. You can also use straight vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser in your machine. This helps to deoderize your laundry and prevent static cling. Make as big of a batch as you want - just adjust ingredients accordingly.
I don't know about HE machines with this soap. I've heard that because this soap is low to no sudsing it is safe to use, but don't take my word for it.
and yes, the water in your washer may look dingy - that is totally normal. After all you DO want the dirt to come OUT of your clothes right?

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