Monday, January 6, 2014

Some Goals/Plans for 2014

Right at the moment I feel like I am in some sort of transitional place... I feel like God is going to be doing something soon, but I'm just not sure what.  There are things I want to do, things I feel like I'm good at - how to put it all together is where I'm a little unclear.  I often tell my husband that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.. haha

So in the meantime, I'm just gonna find time to do more things that I enjoy and hopefully some things will start to fall into place as I learn new things and try new stuff this year.  Get a little more uncomfortable - a little more out of my comfort zone and learn some new stuff.

I've come up with a short list of some plans for 2014, nothing very major, at least not yet.  :)
We'll see where this list takes me...

1. Less technology - I know this is the age we live in.  And to say no more computer, tv, phone etc would just be dumb.  But I can limit its use - for me and for all of us.  My kids are getting older - In just a few years, we will have a daughter in college.  I just don't want to look back and wish I had spent more time with her, especially at this stage in her life.

2. Get outside more.  Seems kinda silly, I know.  But I hate to be cold, so I spend most of the winter indoors.  Well, we live in NY, where its cold almost more than its warm.  I just need to suck it up and get outside, get some fresh air, go for a walk - it's good for the soul.

3. Exercise - something, anything - just do it

4. Eat better.  My Dr. wants me to go gluten free.  I'm not totally sure about that one yet, but I do need to make a conscious effort to eat better.  More raw, natural foods and less processed.

5. Take a class/learn something new

6. Get the family room in the basement finished!!!

7. Decorate the girls rooms - something I have never done in any of the houses we've ever lived in - I have a cute plan for Rylie's room.  She's excited about it, so I guess I better get moving on that one.

8. Write a book - is this going to happen in 2014?  Probably not, but it's something I really want to do.  So we'll just see what happens, but I've said it out loud now so.....

9. Make more stuff - I like projects, crafting (to a point) I want to incorporate that more into my life - I don't really know what this looks like just yet - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to rent a little space somewhere - in an antique mall or something.  I mean, seriously, how fun would that be???

I guess that's about it. For now.

Happy New Year!

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